Saturday, April 13, 2019

re:3D and Coastal Venturing

It has been a wonderful week but I really should slow down a bit.  Venturing is what TWWIM and I call it when we just head out with little direction in mind.  re:3D is a really cool company located in the Houston NASA area that had an open house today.  TWWIM and I had a fantastic time visiting them.  Then we headed out looking for ion changes caused by large bodies of salt water.  Meandered sort of the wrong direction for that by heading North on Bay Area Blvd but corrected course when we reached Fairmont.

Over the port
 great balls of moss
 and memories of the Grand Prize Game
 There it is!!!
 And she is building instead of tearing down
 Tear down is one of her favorite activities
 Circle would be flange for Space Shuttle toilet
 For students to learn
 while I thought how neat, they are ready for Halloween
 There is some 100 degrees centigrade printing happening
 so print a stapler as a door handle
 or a cool tool shelf
 Aw, the 3D coolness of this did not image well
 This did though.
 So are you a 3D printing ninja?
 3D in 3D on a wall in a 3D world
 and patches or badges
 with field notes
 keee yaaaaa!!!
 In motion


 Pellets or Filament?
 and more


 Wall plates
 Wow not sure what she built but that is neat wall sign
 and I decided this is a random forest
 and planters with seeds
 Now off to the edge
 over there
 Then boats
 more boats
 No way she needs
 Pelican eggs
 gooey goodness, bacon in pepper
 The Strand
 big boat
 one ringy dingy
 two ringy dingy
 and me
 I have needed this before
 like a kid in a candy shop
 She was so excited
 and our ions
 All men need an island

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