Friday, September 24, 2021

No Names

 So my wife says I cannot name names as I tell you about my dream.

Not sure where to start.  Names have been changed to protect people I really like.

I guess we start with Sue who is James Garners daughter and not Jennifer so not really.  Then there is Meg who is a former Houston City Council member.  We have Kim who is a current Congresswoman.  Meg it turns out is Kim's daughter.  We are all members of some Ivy League university club with a lot of dark wood paneling.

An FBI agent shows up to tap the phones on a room off a bar where we all hanging out.  A friend of Sue's offers to help with the wires and then connect a wire to his computer.  It turns out the people in the room are somehow doing arbitrage trading on the U. S. Mint and it is very profitable so it must be illegal.

Nope not illegal but now I know how to make a lot of money for people who are not me.