Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Keys to the City Maps

So loved when I was young and an Uncle would give me an Atlas and an Aunt gave me a globe.  I am really kind of a home body but I enjoy knowing what is out there.

On some forum last week someone mentioned a map store on Shepherd South of I-10.  Turns out it is on Durham and a pleasant place to visit.

Someone else had said somewhere that we could now throw away our Key Maps.  We could but then disaster or digital ransomware attacks so maybe a backup on paper is not at all a bad idea.


 Houston Map Company

I first learned to use a Key Map as an ambulance attendant when I was sixteen years old.
 There is a bike shop over there.
The sign says so.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Why Do I Have To Leave My Neighborhood

Crazy, yes totally crazy order these photos got added here.

Here I was still in the neighborhood where someone had trouble finding a trash can.

 Then here I was on my way from Ion to train station to go to Houston Museum of Fine Arts.

And yes that was a moment before that. Buzz.

 Part of the built infrastructure.

On my way to Ion.
 Aha, here is where the blog was supposed to begin with the not so completely evident but there row of service trucks at homes being gutted and rehabbed where folks are being good to front end loader remove trash elsewhere and neighbors trying to get ready for Friday bi-monthly heavy trash pickup but the ditch is really the only place for large amounts unless we block street or driveway.
 There is a beautiful Houston sunset as seen from inside Ion currently in building with Station
Something like a tree outside what was Sakowitz.

Tree inside old financial center.

 Ok back to the beginning again where I am wondering why I have to leave my neighborhood.  I am old so at a lecture I will be told old folks and children are the most likely to sort of have this need for stuff in the neighborhood.
 On the way to Ion.
Yep Same.   

Where Foley's was.

An interesting home in the neighborhood.

Museum District stop


 Cute kitty and the ditch and heavy trash infrastructure looking for a solution.
I do not know right now.



 Oh, here we are at the talk maybe about libraries but also about neighborhoods, heat waves, gentrification and more.
 Yes more built environment.
 I do not remember noting before that these are retractable.
To my left
Nice and wide walkways.

Headed out


 Part of The Situation

Green Link




Down and to the Northwest

Straight On

Here I go

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Adrian Garcia Is Running For Commissioner

And so many friends gathered with the media at Doneraki Gulfgate.  As I drove in off of Woodridge and past the giant circus tent like canopy in front of HEB my mind went back to my first memories at Gulfgate of kiddie rides, bowling

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Blog to self on crime data

In the past I have built crime maps using python to order data then leaflet to display.

Crime map

I just finished a tutorial using js to manipulate the data, D3 to chart and interactively mouse over then leaflet to map using LA murder data.

Tutorial article

Is it possible to bin data over time and have the mouseover play it on a map?